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Within the scope of raising awareness on MS, the press meeting of 'ObjektifiMSensin

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Within the scope of raising awareness on MS, the press meeting of 'ObjektifiMSensin

Within the scope of raising awareness on MS, the press meeting of 'ObjektifiMSensin

Within the scope of raising awareness on MS, the press meeting of 'ObjektifiMSensin - My Objective is You' project launched through the cooperation of MS Association of Türkiye and Eczacıbaşı Pharmaceuticals Marketing was held on the 27th of May at Istanbul Modern. Dr. Serkan Demir, the Board Member and Press Secretary of the Association, our General Manager Canan Bademlioğlu and photographer Mehmet Turgut explained the details of the project to the press. Approximately 35 press members from local and national news agencies and magazines attended the press meeting where MS patients exhibited their works they performed during the IM workshops and where MS awareness film was shown for the first time.


ObjektifiMSensin - My Objective is You Scientific Meeting was realized in the evening of the same day with the attendance of the neurologists interested in MS in Türkiye. During the scientific meeting performed under the moderation of Prof. Dr.Hüsnü Efendi, whilst Canan Bademlioğlu took the attention with her Istanbul Modern presentation, and sharing her works of art added integrity to our health & art culture that is the main theme of our project. After the meeting hosted approximately 110 participants, we had the opportunity to chat with the physicians in MS field, in which we are new, at the dinner, as well to get their feedback about the meeting and to talk about our future projects.